Dear You,
Thank you for your pre-order!
To confirm your pre-order, kindly make a payment of the total som to the following account:
Boulder Klub Lëtzebuerg, LU04 0019 5155 7131 5000
With the reference:
Women’s Bouldering Festival SHIRT, followed by your full name and date of birth, [example: Women’s Bouldering Festival SHIRT – Jane Doe – 28-09-2024].
Once your payment is completed, your pre-order will be secured. You can pick up your order on Saturday the 28th of September at the festival site. Or in case you asked for a shipment, the shirt will be shipped on the Monday after the festival.
Should you have any questions, please check our F.A.Q. or reach out to us at And don’t forget to follow us on Instagram @womensboulderingfestival.
We look forward to see you!
Your WBF team